Friday, December 20, 2013

Panzers and Shermans

Had some time to work on camo.

1 Pz III N (Forces of Valor)
3 Pz IV F2s (PSC with RB barrels)
3 Pz IV Hs (PSC)
1 Panther Ausf D (Zvezda)
2 Tigers (MRC diecasts)
1 Beutepanzer KV-2 (Hobby Master diecast)

Also repainted some Tigers and Pz IVs, since I wasn't happy with how dark the green camo was on them.

And some PSC Shermans with ValueGear stowage and AB Figures crew.

Planning on getting the first game of Battlegroup Kursk in this weekend.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Winter Madness!

Had some time to work on a lot of things over the past few weeks. Let's get right to it then.


Worked on some of the new Berserker Zombies from Prison Outbreak.

Berserker Zombies - immune to ranged weapons in Zombicide. LITKO bases.
Really pleased with the results. Here's the process for anyone seeking to replicate the look:

Primed with Army Painter Necrotic Flesh
Citadel Foundation Solar Macharius Orange on clothing
Citadel Bugman's Glow thinned with Vallejo Thinner Medium and washed over skin
Drybrush Army Painter Necrotic Flesh over skin
Any combination of dark brown and sand yellow for hair and boots, then drybrushed by adding an off-white
Brush-dipped using Minwax Polyshades Antique Walnut stain
Matte sealer to remove glossiness
2:1:1 mix Reaper MSP Brown Ink, Vallejo Transparent Red, and Reaper MSP Black Ink for blood/gore effects
Citadel Devlan Mud washed into eye sockets for added depth
Eyes painted pure white
Final Matte sealing
Vallejo Gloss Varnish applied to blood/gore, focusing mostly on the skin areas, leaving clothes alone for most part

Dwarven Forge:

Work continues on the Game Tiles. I have maybe 70% of the tiles painted, and have been slowly working on the rest. After the tiles are done, it will be time to move on to all of the small accessory pieces such as chests, beds, gold piles, traps, etc.


Had an itch to work on some 20mm stuff, and spent a couple evenings working on some Plastic Soldier Company M4A1 75mm Sherman tanks and some AB Figures US infantry for Northwest Europe and Battlegroup Overlord.
PSC 1/72 M4A1 75mm Shermans with AB Figures crew

I tried a new filter on these - Winton Oil Colors Yellow Ochre #44, followed by the usual Burnt Umber. I haven't decided if I want to pin wash them yet. They're still a bit glossy from the oil paints. I have some stowage coming from Value Gear, which looks excellent and will really give the tanks a lived-in look once I'm done.

US Infantry by AB Figures
 I have some more AB coming in the mail this weekend since Eureka Miniatures is now stocking the range and distributing from the US - which means I'm gonna have to be careful or I wont have anything left to pay rent! Seriously, it's really great that the range is able to be given new molds. Also, the prices are much more in line with what I want to pay and don't include a hefty shipping and VAT fee from the UK. Oh, and Eureka even did 2-day express shipping, which is terrific. I should have enough GIs when all's said and done to do 3 full platoons, with options to do Armored Infantry. I have some PSC M3 Halftracks and a box of M5 Stuarts coming as well to round everything out.

Nice break from painting German kit, though now I'm wanting to redo some of my German tanks and work some more color modulation into them.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Game Tiles Painting Experiment...

Great success!

I went to town on some test pieces this evening, and here's the end result.

The Undead do not abide the Living.

All done with craft paints:

Americana Zinc base coat
Americana Neutral grey and Folk Art Coffee Latte bricks
Folk Art dry brush of Mushroom
Folk Art dry brush of Steel Grey

Now, on to the assembly line!


Dwarven Forge Game Tiles - First Unboxing

My Dwarven Forge Kickstarter Game Tiles arrived early this morning, so I set about real quick before work unboxing a few things and snapping some quick pictures.

Here we go:

Real quick setup. I think this uses pieces from 1 Core set, 1 Kickstarter add-ons set, and the Grand Stairs Set. Measures 16" x 14"

Grand Stairs Pack

Dungeon Dressings Pack (I had to get 2!)

Everything has nice detail, and should be a treat to paint. Overall, my first impression is that these will be seeing a lot of use later on when I really get into some D&D adventures, and they'll be able to take it.

I need to find some craft paints that match up to the Dwarven Forge stock colors, and set about sorting and cleaning everything (there are some mold lines here and there, and the pieces still have some mold release on them).

Really satisfied with this Kickstarter.


Friday, September 20, 2013

A Much Needed Update

Been a while, but I've been busy.

Here's the latest work I've managed for WW2:

Dragon Ferdinand

Dragon Ferdinand

German Heer Platoon HQ Squad

German Heer Rifle Squad and LMG Team

German Heer Rifle Squad and LMG Team

German Heer Rifle Squad and LMG Team

Britannia German HQ Kubelwagon with AB Figures

The Kubelwagon will be added to a base with a senior officer model from AB Figures, to represent the Forward HQ unit for Battlegroup.

Battlefield PaK40 with AB Figures Crew

Battlefield and AB Figures PaK40 Loader Team
 I need to paint up some spent shell casings, boxes, and finish the base flock.

Plastic Soldier Company Panther ausf A

Zvezda Panther ausf D

Plastic Soldier Company Panzer IV ausf G

Warmodelling Soviet Sniper Team

Assorted PSC and Warmodelling Soviet Infantry

Roden SdKfz 232

Warmodelling SS, repainting in progress
 Repainting in progress of new SS camo smocks, new method on left, old on right. I much prefer the newer technique

Plastic Soldier Company StuG III ausf G (Late)

HaT T-34 Tank Riders

HaT T-34 Tank Riders

Dragon Tiger (Early)

Dragon Tiger (Early)
So yeah, lot's of work. On the workbench is another German Heer platoon, an Opel Blitz, the remaining SS for repaints, a PaK38 with crew, and a 45mm with crew for the Russians. I'm almost ready for the BGK Clash of Reconnaissance scenario.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Some New Ostfront and ETO Pics

Wow, been a looong time since I updated, but I'm back with some updated pics of where things are. Based some more PSC Panzer IV H's, some PSC and Dragon 251's, a Dragon Tiger, and some PSC T-34's.

Here's some shots of a few of them. I'll try and get pics of everything I have finished this weekend, for posterity.

PSC Panzer IV H
PSC T-34/76
PSC T-34/76
And some ETO stuff, still needs some basing work.

PSC Panzer IV H
Dragon SdKfz 251/7

And some British Airborne test figures.

AB Figures and Battlefield Blitz

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Armor Inbound!

Well, since BGO is almost on the doorstep, I figured I'd bite the bullet and get the majority of the rest of my Eastern Front armor purchases out of the way. So, just placed an order for the following via Mega Hobby, where they had some good prices and discounts.

1 Trumpeter Tiger I - Early Production
1 Zvezda Tiger I - Early Production
6 Pegasus Opel Blitzes
6 Armourfast SdKfz 251/1 Ausf C's
2 Cyber Hobby Ferdinands
1 Roden SdKfz 232
1 Roden SdKfz 233
3 Zvezda Pz V Panther Ausf D's
1 box of PSC Pak38 AT Guns (The Warstore is out of stock)

2 Cyber Hobby T-34/76 mod 42's
2 Pegasus KV-1 mod 42's
1 box of PSC 45mm AT Guns (again, Warstore was out of stock)

But, I also threw in an order with The Warstore for some US and German tanks for the ETO.

3 StuG III Ausf G's (to be done up as late-production variants)

9 M4A1 75mm Shermans
6 M4A3 76mm Shermans


Friday, April 26, 2013

First 4 Zombicide Survivors Complete

Here's the first 4 painted Zombicide Survivors all finished, awaiting new clear bases.

Josh, Nick, Laura (Eve from Hasslefree), Wanda, and Phil

Work will continue on the next batch very soon.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

More Zombicide Survivors

More WIP on the first 4 Zombicide survivors.

Wanda, Nick, Phil, Josh





Friday, March 29, 2013

Workbench: Zombicide Survivors

Started work on the Zombicide Season 1 Survivors a few nights ago, and here's the progress so far on a few of the models. I'm finding the detail rather exceptional for single cast plastic figures (and it's not a hard plastic, more of a medium-hard with a bit of flex to it). Mold lines were sometimes tricky to remove, but at a distance it should work out well enough. I'm also liking how the flesh tones are contrasting quite vividly with my rather dark, grimy, and sickly looking Zombies.

Nick, Phil, Wanda, and Josh

I had to make a Word document to keep track of how I'm painting them because their counterpart Zombivor models will either be here in a few weeks or come with Toxic City Mall much later this year when the Season 2 Kickstarter ships, and I'd like to match the paint techniques and process as best I can.

LITKO, Hasslefree, and Reaper all confirmed my orders had shipped, so I'll patiently wait for a few boxes to arrive next week, then start testing how to remove the molded bases and replace them with the clear ones.

Also, Reaper stated they'd started shipping for their Bones Kickstarter, which is excellent, so the wait is down to 4-5 more weeks for those, which is exciting.
