Been a while, but I've been busy.
Here's the latest work I've managed for WW2:
Dragon Ferdinand |
Dragon Ferdinand |
German Heer Platoon HQ Squad |
German Heer Rifle Squad and LMG Team |
German Heer Rifle Squad and LMG Team |
German Heer Rifle Squad and LMG Team |
Britannia German HQ Kubelwagon with AB Figures |
The Kubelwagon will be added to a base with a senior officer model from AB Figures, to represent the Forward HQ unit for Battlegroup.
Battlefield PaK40 with AB Figures Crew |
Battlefield and AB Figures PaK40 Loader Team |
I need to paint up some spent shell casings, boxes, and finish the base flock.
Plastic Soldier Company Panther ausf A |
Zvezda Panther ausf D |
Plastic Soldier Company Panzer IV ausf G |
Warmodelling Soviet Sniper Team |
Assorted PSC and Warmodelling Soviet Infantry |
Roden SdKfz 232 |
Warmodelling SS, repainting in progress |
Repainting in progress of new SS camo smocks, new method on left, old on right. I much prefer the newer technique
Plastic Soldier Company StuG III ausf G (Late) |
HaT T-34 Tank Riders |
HaT T-34 Tank Riders |
Dragon Tiger (Early) |
Dragon Tiger (Early) |
So yeah, lot's of work. On the workbench is another German Heer platoon, an Opel Blitz, the remaining SS for repaints, a PaK38 with crew, and a 45mm with crew for the Russians. I'm almost ready for the BGK Clash of Reconnaissance scenario.