Sunday, February 16, 2014

StuG III Ausf. E

As part of the Armor/Armored Build over at The Guild, I've recently painted a Trumpeter StuG III Ausf. E to test out some early war panzer grey paint techniques (in preparation for the upcoming Battlegroup: Barbarossa book).

Basecoat black, followed by a coat of Tamiya XF63 German Grey, then panelling in Tamiya XF66 Light Grey. Applied a wash of thinned Burnt Umber and a pin wash of Lamp Black oil paints. Pigments are Secret Weapon Miniatures Yellow Earth and Burning Sands. Stowage is by ValueGear and Plastic Soldier Company.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Armored Parking Lot

Finish painting and basing.
Finish it all by end of March? I think it's doable.
